Virtual Bake Off
In support of Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning we held our very own virtual Bake Off! We are proud to have baked, decorated and donated £150 to Macmillan.
Relatives & staff made some superb cakes, then sent us the photos for our residents to select the winner! We may not be able to enjoy the scrumptious cakes together in person at the moment, but our relatives zoomed in to lounge (on the TV) and we enjoyed them together virtually with a cuppa!
This month one of our Residents Edith passed away. Throughout her life Edith held a monthly coffee morning with her friends. At Windlesham Manor, we continued to host Edith’s coffee morning for her friends and many cups of tea, warm conversation and Chef Martin’s delicious cakes have been enjoyed in the process! It felt very fitting that we should hold this coffee morning in her honour. We will continue Edith’s tradition of bringing people together over a cuppa every month. Despite the current pandemic we will continue to do everything we can.